27 Apr 2014
Hi everyone. This is my first ever blog. My name is Aaron Stanley and I’m from Melbourne.
Currently at Dallas/Fort Worth waiting for my flight to Tulsa where I will meet up with a mate of mine who will be taking me out storm chasing. This is my third season storm chasing here in Tornado Alley and this time will be the longest stay doing what I love, storms, lightning and forever changing scenery. Whilst tornadoes may be visually stunning, we all know what they are capable of. Like everyone else, I don’t like the death and destruction that comes with them.
It’s been quite a journey to get here. A one hour flight to Sydney, then the exhausting 14 hour 20 minute flight direct to Dallas. At least it was shorter due to the jet streams in our favor. Now the one hour flight to Tulsa.
I’ll keep everyone updated on the events to follow over the next few months; hopefully getting a chance to post some live photos now and then. Until then, here is a photo from the 2012 season near Roswell New Mexico.
Wall cloud near Roswell, New Mexico USA 13th May 2012.